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2024 Vendor Agreement
Thank you for signing up to join us for Celebrate Davis 2024!
ALL participating vendors must first register and make payment, then complete and submit this online vendor agreement to participate. Additionally, all vendors will be required to provide a certificate of insurance.
Indicates required field
Business Name
Vendor Agreement
This agreement is made and entered between Davis Chamber of Commerce, Celebrate Davis 2024, and your business listed above, an independent contractor (Vendor).
Booth Hours:
All booths will be open for business on Friday, May 17th between the hours of 4:30-9:00 pm at Community Park.
In exchange for booth space which will include one 8' foot table and two chairs, or sponsorship level arrangement, during the Celebrate Davis event, the Vendor agrees to pay the Davis Chamber of Commerce;
A. For agreements with payment and insurance received on or before April 26th, 2024
1. Linear: $275, Nonprofit: $200, Corner: $375, Food: $100, and/or selected sponsorship level.
2. Additional charges may be applied if payment and insurance are not provided by April 26th, 2024.
The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions whereby the Vendor is authorized by the Davis Chamber of commerce, Celebrate Davis to operate a business booth for the purpose of promoting and/or selling represented products under the following terms and conditions.
To the fullest extent permitted by law the Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Davis Chamber of Commerce, and its officers, director employees and volunteers (collectively "DCOC") from and against any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of our resulting from this agreement whether caused in whole or in part by the Vendor, its officers, directors, employees, assigns, and volunteers directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. Vendor agrees to obtain general liability insurance for the event with a minimum of $1,000, 000 (One Million) per incident coverage.
View Sample Insurance Document Here
*To Note
- Most of our Vendors participate in several DCOC events each year. To make the insurance process easier and more affordable for our Vendors, we have worked with our insurance advisor to streamline the insurance process for you and your provider. You will only have to turn in one certificate each year to receive DCOC approved coverage for Chamber events where insurance is required.
Insurance Policy must contain the following verbiage:
“The Davis Chamber of Commerce, its officers, directors, employees, and volunteers (collectively “DCOC”) are an Additional Insured with respect to liability arising out of the actions performed by or on behalf of the named insured relating to participation at DCOC events during the period of January 1st, through December 30th, 2024. Events will be held in the City of Davis, and include food, merchandise, activities, live entertainment. Certain events, specifically Celebrate Davis, the 4th of July, and Discover Davis will have alcohol. All events are open to the general public”.
Insurance certificates may be mailed to the Davis Chamber of Commerce at: PO Box 74094 | Davis, CA 95617
Event Address for your provider: 1405 F Street | Davis, CA 95616
Certificates may be emailed to
[email protected]
Subject Line MUST state Celebrate Davis 2024
Vendors without the required will not be allowed to participate in the event.
Terms and Conditions:
This event is rain or shine.
Operator will not be permitted to set up unless they have made full payment and provided proof of insurance.
Vendor refunds will be processed as follows for vendor-initiated cancellations:
Cancellations on or before April 19th -
full refund eligible
Cancellations on and between April 20th and April 25th -
50% of payment received
Cancellations after April 25th -
no refund provided
- Refunds will be processed by payment method after Celebrate Davis concludes, not during or on the day of the event.
- Vendors shall not display, sell or dispense any items with offensive, profane, and/or illegal drug related paraphernalia. The display, sale, or dispensing of any items that fall within this category may result in the removal of the Vendor and may result in possible ineligibility to participate in future DCOC events.
- Security is the responsibility of each vendor. The DCOC is not responsible for loss or damage to vendor for any reason, except the Davis Chambers of Commerce's own intentional or fraudulent acts.
- Vendor is responsible for all waste in the exhibitor area. All trash and recycling must be placed in the large bins located in the Arts Center parking area.
- Vendor space is non-transferable without the express/written consent of chamber staff member.
- Vendor spaces shall not be fully reserved until payment is received.
Booth Rules:
- Booth assignments are made by the DCOC Staff based on operational and space requirements for the event. While DCOC does its best to accommodate particular space location requests, they are not guaranteed.
- Booth spaces are for individual vendors and may not be shared.
- All vendors are individually responsible for the collection and payment of any state and local taxes on items sold.
The Fine Print:
- I understand that I am agreeing to indemnity, defend and hold harmless the DCOC pursuant to the terms listed above.
- I understand that I must have insurance and payment submitted no later than April 26th, and if payments and/or insurance certificate is not received by deadline, my ability to participate in the event in not guaranteed.
- I understand that assistance with load in/out is not guaranteed. It is recommended that I bring a cart or wagon to help me carry my items to my assigned booth space.
- I understand that I must check in at the Vendor Unload upon arrival and prior to setting up.
- I understand that there is no electricity available for use at the event. Generators may only be used with expressed/written consent from DCOC staff member. Requests to utilize a generator at my booth must be made no later than April 19th, 2024.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to dispose of all the waste generated by my booth, staff or customers and must dispose of all garbage and recyclables in the appropriate bins located in the Arts Center parking lot. The DCOC encourages Vendors to preplan their event to keep waste at a minimum.
- I understand that I may not begin my booth breakdown until the close of the event at 9:00 pm.
- I understand that there is no vehicle access on the event turf unless express/written consent has ben granted by DCOC staff, not volunteers for event load in or event breakdown. No access is granted while event attendees are onsite.
Vendors who drive on turf without staff permission during load in and breakdown may
result in the removal of the vendor and may result in possible ineligibility to participate in future DCOC events.
- I understand that unless I am a registered food vendor, I may not give away or sell food or drink items at my booth.
- small individual prepackaged candies are okay to give away as prizes.
- I understand that I may not solicit my business at other vendor booths during event hours.
- I understand that I may not put stakes in the ground to secure my tent. Sandbags and other weights to hold tent are approved for use.
- I understand that at event close, I am required to place my folded chairs on top of the table at my booth. I will not break down table and leave on turf.
- I understand and will not hold the DCOC responsible for damage/loss at my booth of supplied table and chairs. Any damage due to Vendor negligence to tables or chairs may result in a charge after the event to my business.
- I understand that my business in not allowed to use event attendee trash receptacles, and must use trash containers specifically for Vendor use in the Arts Center parking lot.
- I understand that the DCOC cannot accept pre-delivery of my items for the event prior to event day.
- I understand that I must have my booth set up and ready to go at 4:00pm on event day.
I understand that I am not allowed to use balloons as giveaways or décor at my booth.
Any business using balloons for any reason will be asked to cease use immediately
. As part of our commitment to our partnership with the Yolo Basin Foundation to keep balloons from ending up in the wetlands, the DCOC STRONGLY encourages you to utilize other options instead of balloons.
An acknowledgement and a copy of the Vendor Agreement will be emailed to you once your submission is received.
I, acting on behalf of my company, acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the terms presented above:
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